Monday, August 26, 2019

2019 - Day 238/127 - Monday...Kludge...

Let;s talk about wrecks. The literal kind (as seen in the picture), and the other kind. The kind that you could describe your day as. As in 'my day was a wreck.' It wasn't all a wreck, just the parts that I really paid attention to. None of us are all things to all people, and on occasion, I don't want to be anything to a few people. Isn't it interesting that it only takes one unhappy incident to mess up your whole day? It happens to many of us, more than we (probably) care to admit. I am pretty sure that I am too sensitive about a lot of things, and I should just let the crap go, 'like water on a ducks back,' but I don't and it makes for cratering an otherwise lovely day. Not that it started out that well (refer once again to the picture presented with this journal entry.

Let me ask you all a question...I have been referring to the 'pictures' that I am including with my journal entries as 'pictures' as opposed to 'photographs.' Are the documents I capture on my cell phone actually 'photographs?' Because I think a photograph is not something you can do with a cell phone. Feel free to chime in with your opinions.

Kludge -- Noun. a system (such as a computer system) made up of poorly matched components. "The program itself was an executive action of the Obama administration and something of a kludge in the absence of action from Congress." Whet Moser, Chicago Magazine, September 6, 2017

Did You Know? The first recorded use of the word kludge is attributed to Jackson W. Granholm, who defined the word in a 1962 issue of the magazine Datamation as "an ill-assorted collection of poorly-matching parts, forming a distressing whole." He further explained that it was derived from the German word klug, meaning "smart" or "witty." Why Granholm included a "d" in his spelling is not known. What we do know is that speakers of American English have agreed to keep it silent, making the vowel pronunciation of kludge reflect the pronunciation of German klug (\'kluk\). Whew! We can also tell you that not everyone agrees with Granholm on the "d" matter: the spelling of kluge is also popularly used.

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