HI MELINDA! So happy to get to spend some time with you this morning!
Chapter and Verse -- Noun. 1. the exact reference or source of information or justification for an assertion. 2. full precise information or detail.
Edward had lived in the town all his life and could give you chapter and verse on the histories of its buildings and landmarks.
Did You Know? To the biblically inclined, citing the exact chapter and verse of a biblical quote adds substance to the quote (and allows others to look it up for themselves). Such a precise reference inspired English speakers in the 18th century to use the phrase chapter and verse to refer to a source of information or authority even when there was no actual chapter and verse involved. Sometimes this "chapter and verse" involved slightly lengthy justifications ("She cited chapter and verse to prove her point"), so after a while people started thinking of any kind of detailed recitation as "chapter and verse" ("He could give chapter and verse of all the office goings-on"). The phrase can also be used adverbially ("Jane recited chapter and verse all her complaints").
Always great seeing you