Diffident -- Adjective. 1. hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence. 2. reserved, unassertive. "Wilson...would explain her lack of feeling with a diffident shrug: 'I felThe Supremes, 2009
t like I'd said goodbye already.'" Mark Ribowsky,
Did You Know? Diffident and confident are antonyms, but both have a lot to do with how much trust you have in yourself-and, fittingly, both trace to the Latin verb fidere, which means "to trust." Diffident arose from a combination of fidere and the prefix dis-, meaning "the absence of," and it has been used to refer to individuals lacking in self-trust since the 15th century. Confident arose from confidere, a term created by combining fidere with the intensifying prefix con-. That term has been used for self-trusting souls since at least the late 16th century. By the way, fidere puts the trust in several other English words too, including fidelity and fiduciary.
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