Even though I am in (or near) Phoenix, I got an amazing amount of work done today. I am really not sure where I am...maybe I am really in Tempe, but not sure. I am pretty sure I am not really in Phoenix. I am relatively confident that I am in Arizona, but I did get pretty close to California this afternoon as well. We (Carrie and I) played hooky today, and rented a car and went to Sedona. Lovely vistas, beautiful sights, lots of red rocks. Sedona is a really nice place, I think I could probably get used to it. We made it back to the hotel about 5:15, registered for the conference, talked with some friends, rested for a few minutes, then went to the opening reception for just a little while. I am having M&Ms and diet coke for dinner. No real food at the reception, under-staffed in the hotel dining room, nothing appealing on the room service menu. M&Ms and diet coke it is. I was playing in one of the fountains (they do not practice what they preach here) on the way to dinner (that did not happen), and here is the documentation to prove it.
Vaunted -- Adjective. highly or widely praised or boasted about. "The
vaunted school for years has sent its best students to the nation's top conservatories." Ericka Mellon,
Houston Chronicle, June 8, 2014
Did You Know? The verb
vaunt has been used since the 15th century with the meaning "to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments"-in other words, "to brag or boast." Over time,
vaunt developed the meaning "to boast or (something)," as in "the promotional flyer
vaunts the natural beauty of the area," and gave rise to the adjective form
vaunted. The history of
vaunt and
vaunted leads back to the Latin word vanus, meaning "vain" or "empty." (The word vain itself is also a descendant of vanus.)
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