r really good day.
Synecdoche -- Noun. a figure of speech by which a less encompassing term is put for a more encompassing term or vice versa. Shakespeare's Macbeth employs synecdoche when he orders a servant out of his presence with the command "Take thy face hence."
Did You Know? If you are a budding author (or blog master), synecdoche, from the Greek syn- ("together"), and ekdoche ("interpretation"), is a good word to know. Writers, and especially poets, use synecdoche in several different ways to create vivid imagery. Most frequently, synecdoche involves substituting a part for the whole(fifty sail for fifty ships). Less commonly, it involves putting the whole for the part (society for high society), the species for the genus (cutthroat for assassin), the genus for the species (a creature for a man), or the material for the thing made (boards for stage). Synecdoche is similar to metonymy, the use of the name of one thing in place of something associated with it (such as Shakespeare for the works of Shakespeare). I will try my best not to incorporate this.
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