Simon-Pure -- Adjective. of untainted purity or integrity; also, pretentiously or hypocritically pure. "We certainly are not simon-pure when it comes to making mistakes; we've had a few doozies." Nick Vlahos, Peoria Journal Star (Illinois), December 28, 2017
Did You Know? British dramatist and actress Susannah Centlivre (1669-1723) introduced the character of Simon Pure in her 1718 comedy A Bold Stroke for a Wife. In that play, Colonel Fainall wants to marry Anne Lovely, but to do so he must win the consent of Anne's guardian, a Quaker gentleman named Obadiah Prim. Fainall tries to gain the needed approval by impersonating a Quaker preacher named Simon Pure. Unfortunately for the scheme, the real Simon Pure appears and proves himself to be the genuine article. People adopted the phrase the real Simon Pure (which in turn gave rise to the adjective simon-pure) from the play to refer to things true or genuine. I'm no Simon-Pure!
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