This journal is becoming somewhat repetitive, but the really big news continues to be the heat. Today, the high temperature in both Austin and Georgetown was 108 degrees, and that is in the shade. The local weather guy just reported that it is 'absurdly hot.' That is actually a pretty good description! If you can find shade. My handy dandy electronic weather center shows a little bit over 117 degrees. I know that is not official, but it is hot. Other than the heat, today was a pretty good day. A good walk this morning, and then I headed in to Austin to attend a Legislative update at the Austin Board of REALTORS®. Lots of good information shared, a well done overview. Julia and Seth from Texas REALTORS® and Bill (the other Bill) and Taylor from ABoR. If you are looking for me tomorrow, late morning and early afternoon, I will be the guy sitting by himself in the furthest back pew at St. John Lutheran in Bartlett. Pauline, our former neighbor when we were living at the farm, passed away over the weekend. Pauline used to shower us with cookies and kindness, and I only saw her once or twice since I moved to the Curious House. I will be there to pay my respects, and to give Hubert a hug.
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