This is the 'volunteer' Pride of Barbados, that came along for the ride in the planter of Tradescantia Zebrina (look it up) that I inherited when Dan and Nancy moved to Las Cruces. My intention was to transplant it but I could not pull it out of the planter, so it is still there, doing what it wants to do. I love the blooms, and I hope it has a long, long life. I went to a movie this afternoon with my friend Teri,
Asteroid City. I have seen the trailers for the movie for a couple months, and I have always thought it was odd and worth viewing. There is no way I can describe the movie to you, but I will tell you it is visually excellent. I have no idea how anyone could have thought up all the stuff in the movie, but Tom Hanks is in it, so that is all you need to know. I can honestly report too, there are at least a dozen, probably more, cameo appearances by much of Hollywood. There is also a possibility that I will go back and see it again, we will just have to see. Other than that, I got a couple other things accomplished today, and my chore list was short, and that was appreciated. Not everyday has to be filled to the brim. If I win PowerBall tonight, there will be no journal entry tomorrow. And probably the next day, too.
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