Consternation -- Noun. amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion. To the consternation of her students, Mrs. Jennings gave a pop quiz on the first Friday of the school year.
Did You Know? Wonder what the seemingly dissimilar words prostrate ("stretched out with face on the ground"), stratum ("layer"), and stratus ("a low cloud form extending over a large area") have in common with consternation? They are all thought to share the Latin ancestor sternere, meaning "to spread" or "to strike or throw down." Much to our consternation, we cannot make that connection definitive: While prostrate, stratum and stratus are clearly the offspring of sternere, etymologists will only go so far as to say that consternation comes from the Latin consternare-and that they have a strong suspicion that consternare is another descendant of sternere. Evans note: I am always embarrassed to get prostrate and prostate confused in conversation.
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