Aleatory -- Adjective. 1. depending on an uncertain event or contingency as to both profit and loss. 2. relating to luck or chance. "This writing technique is aleatory...What's produced as a result of the technique is completely random." Brian Burlage, The Michigan Daily, July 30, 2014
Did You Know? If you are the gambling type, then chances are good you've come across aleatory in your travels. Deriving from the Latin noun alea, which refers to a kind of dice game, aleatory was first used in English in the late 17th century to describe things that are dependent on uncertain odds, much like a roll of the dice. The term now describes things that occur by sheer chance or accident, such as the unlucky bounce of a golf shot or the unusual shape of an ink blot. Going a bit further, the term aleatoric music, or chance music, describes music in which certain aspects of the composition or performance are determined by chance.
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