Peregrinate -- Verb. 1. to travel especially on foot. walk. 2. to walk or travel over. traverse. "All my traveling life, 40 years of peregrinating Africa, Asia, South America and Oceana, I have thought constantly of home." Paul Theroux, Smithsonian, September, 2009
Did You Know? The narrative of the linguistic travels of peregrinate begins with the Latin word peregrinatus, the past participle of peregrinari, which means "to travel in foreign lands." The verb is derived from the Latin word for "foreigner," peregrinus, which was earlier used as an adjective meaning "foreign." That term also gave us the words pilgrim and peregrine, the latter of which once meant "alien" but is now used as an adjective meaning "tending to wander" and as a noun naming a kind of falcon-the peregrine falcon, so named because it was traditionally captured during its first flight, or pilgrimage, from the nest.
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