Littoral -- Adjective. of, relating to, or situated or growing on or near a shore especially of the sea. "Generally, water movement in the Gulf follows the littoral current, which runs northward from the Bay of Campeche." Rick Kelly, The Brownsville Herald (Texas of course), June 29, 2017.
Did You Know? You're most likely to encounter littoral in contexts relating to the military and marine sciences. A littoral combat ship is a fast and easily maneuverable combat ship built for use in coastal waters. And in marine ecology, the littoral zone is a coastal zone characterized by abundant dissolved oxygen, sunlight, nutrients, and generally high wave energies and water motion. Littoral can also be found as a noun referring to a coastal region or, more technically, to the shore zone between the high tide and low tide points. The adjective is the older of the two, dating from the mid-17th century; the noun dates from the early 19th century. The word comes to English from the Latin litoralis, itself from litor- or litus, meaning "seashore."
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