I had a lovely lunch meeting this afternoon with some really good friends and dedicated volunteer servants. We all had a big time catching up and plotting for the future; Teresa, Tony, David, Holly, becky and the Soul Patch Guy. After that it was back to the office, getting a little bit more stuff done, and then heading out to put a sign and lock box on a property. Of course, there was a good walk first thing this morning, following watering stuff in the front yard. There was a lot of good discourse with Paul and Peter, but I think we may have come up a little short of solving all the worlds problems. We tried. Still hot, still no rain in sight, but I expect we will survive all this. Tomorrow, the plan is to go in to the office late because I have a function to attend starting at 5:30. I may go in in the morning, come home, and then go back. Time will tell.
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