Admittedly, some of these journal entries are more interesting than others, and, unfortunately, this one is not one of them. I don't think. You never know where these words will lead, but here goes. I was up early again this morning, out in the front yard hand-watering stuff. Paul, Jack and I had a good walk, and then we met at 9 o'clock for the ROMEOs breakfast. We sat around and talked for a while after we finished, and then I headed in to the office. There was just a little bitty bit of trauma with some property repairs, but everything worked out in the end, and I was back home by right at 4 o'clock. I did make a quick stop at HEB, I am on a new phase of eating vegetable chips...made with tomatoes and spinach. They don't taste like either one, and they are kind of puffed up...chips and straws. I don't think they are quite as good as the ones I had in Mexico, but they are good. Still hot, no rain in sight, 32 days in a row over 100 degrees, wild fires here and there. This morning, however, during the walk, it was only in the 80's and there was a good breeze. We make the best of what we are handed, and the clouds were really pretty.
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