This morning glory was my reward for the day. It has been well over a month since there has been a bloom, and I was very happy to see it. The vines used to be lush, full and beautifully green, but the drought has taken a toll. We will all survive this, and the morning glories will survive it all as well. Paul and I had a good walk this morning, and that was really the most strenuous thing I did all day. I had three things on my chore list, and I got them crossed off before noon. Tomorrow I will do laundry, and maybe vacuum a little bit...I don't want to over-commit. I did not take a car out of the garage, and I am not sure if I will tomorrow or not. I thought about going to a movie, but there is nothing playing that I care to see. We are under heat alerts, the next seven day high temperatures range from 107 to 109. There are wild fires all around, and some people are being evacuated from their homes, but so far, nothing in the area of the Curious House. I got a bid today for removing the grass between the sidewalk and the street, and replacing the grass with Austin river rock. Then I have to submit that to the HOA. I still have to get three neighbors to initial my request, but I should have that all done by tomorrow. Whatever...
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