Jack and I had a nice walk this morning, the temperature was not as accommodating as it was yesterday, but it was okay. Just okay. It could have been better. The official temperature in Austin today was 110 degrees (F). Enough about that. Today was also my day to give blood, and I always like that. You could tell that schools are back in session, I was almost late fore my 9:30 appointment, but I walked in to the lobby with one minute to spare. After donating, I went and walked a property, and then headed in to the office. Today is Thursday, which means cheeseburger specials at Sandy's. I like Thursdays. I got home at about 3:30 this afternoon, there were no stops along the way, but traffic was still an issue. I took about a 10 minute nap before it was time to geed the girls and watch the news. I got a new carry-on suitcase via Amazon delivered. The suitcase I took to Chicago (packing light) was just about an inch too big to fit in the overhead, but I did it anyway. It was really not a problem until we were opening the overhead and the suitcase jammed the door, and when encouraged to un-jam, the suitcase trim broke. That was not terrible, but the way it broke made it kind of lethal and sharp. I cut myself on it, and I had to caution everyone that touched it to be careful. That piece is going to be recycled. Ugh. My intention is to QUIT taking so much crap when I travel, so we will see how that works out. The photo accompanying this entry is one of the the Piglet with one of her new squeaky toys. They are all up on the bed in one of the spare bedrooms, and I am not sure exactly how she (or maybe Callie) retrieved it.
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