I am pondering the fact that my fascination with all things homicidal may be the result more of nurture and not nature. I can vividly remember my mother buying the
True Detective magazines (and probably others), and I would be fascinated with them. On one of my recent morning walks, I queried why in those magazines, the publishers would 'black out' the photos of people in the magazines. Just because you could not see the peoples eyes did not really make the people unrecognizable. Just because Clark Kent took off his glasses did not make him unrecognizable. If I passed by Superman on the street, I would likely say 'hi, Clark.' Whatever. I was up kind of early this morning, about 5:30, and I got everything in the front watered before walking. There were four of us walking this morning, and then I had an appointment for the 20K mile service for the little white car. I got there about 8:45 (for the 9 o'clock appointment), and got to the office about 12:15. I think everyone in the office thought I was not going to come in, but I surprised them. I got my disk cleared off, and made it home by close to 4 o'clock. Napping is right up near the top of my list of favorite things to do. 105 degrees here today, not only is it hot, but there are lots of wild fires all around. Nothing too close to the Curious House, and I am thankful for that. A zoom meeting for tomorrow has been cancelled, so I just picked up about a two hour swath of time, I always like that.
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