Saturday, April 13, 2019

2019 - Day 103/262 - Saturday...Debilitate...

The general consensus would ordinary be that I should know better, but obviously the general consensus is inaccurate. I stood out in the cold for several hours waiting to hear one song played by Granger Smith. I am pretty sure I heard one and a half songs, but I really could not really tell because I was so cold I could hardly hear for the achy bones creaking in the cold. Did I mention that it was cold? It was really cold, so I took off after the first song started. Maybe another time when it will be warmer. We are considering September, 2021. We shall

Debilitate -- Verb. to impair the strength of. "Hard hits are part of the game. But the vicious hits intended to debilitate a player, maybe end his career, are intolerable." Chicago Tribune, March 8, 2012

Did You Know? Debilitate, enfeeble, undermine, and sap all share in common the general sense "to weaken." Often used to describe disease or something that strikes like a disease or illness, debilitate might suggest a temporary impairment, but a pervasive one. Enfeeble, a very close synonym of debilitate, connotes a pitiable but often reversible condition of weakness and helplessness. Undermine and sap suggest a weakening by something working surreptitiously ind insidiously.

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