I imagine that, in the past couple of weeks, I have eaten my own weight in peaches, and I have been passing them on to anyone and everyone that would take them. We probably are down to our last three or four dozen, and it looks like we will begin the count down to pears and apples. This has been a great year for the fruit trees out here on the Edge of Nowhere, and that has been great. I am not that crazy about pears, but I will eat them since we grew them. I can remember as a kid climbing a big pear tree in the school yard and eating one or two. Our grapes are doing okay too, they are just REALLY bitter, and leave a terrible chalky taste in your mouth. I am certain that it is my fault, so I will just go one with the satisfaction that this has been a great peach year. I participated in a great number of naps today, but I did get a little bit motivated to do a few things. I got some grass cut, and tomorrow I will cut some more (maybe get everything finished), and some of it is going to be cut with the shredder. The big open areas. I also need to clean the front fountain; even though I like the way it looks, it really needs a good cleaning. Let me think on all that for a little bit.
Echelon -- Noun. 1. a steplike arrangement. 2a. one of a series of levels or grades in an organization or field of activity. b. a group of individuals at such a level. "Ellen Bennett was a line cook in the upper
echelon of Los Angeles' food scene..." Kara Stiles, Forbes.com, January 19, 2018
Did You Know? Echelon is a useful word for anyone who is climbing the ladder of success. It traces back to scala, a Late Latin word meaning "ladder" that was the ancestor of the Old French
eschelon, meaning "rung of a ladder." Over time, the French word (which is
echelon in Modern French) came to mean "step," "grade," or "level." When it was first borrowed into English in the 18th century,
echelon referred specifically to a steplike arrangement of troops, but it now usually refers to a level or category within an organization or group of people.
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