Copious -- Adjective. 1a. yielding something abundantly. b. plentiful in number. 2. full of thought, information, or matter. 3. lavish, abundant. After an unusually dry year, the late summer rains dropped a copious amount of water on the region.
Did You Know? Copious derives from the Latin copia ("abundance"), which in turn combines the prefix co- and ops ("wealth" or "power"). Copious and opulent (also from ops), along with ample, plentiful, and abundant, all mean "more than sufficient." Ample implies a generous sufficiency to satisfy a particular requirement ("ample proof"). Copious puts emphasis upon largeness of supply more than on fullness or richness ("copious toasts to the bride and groom"). Plentiful implies a rich, and usually more than sufficient, supply ("a plentiful supply of textbooks"). Abundant suggests a greater or richer supply than plentiful does ("moved by the abundant offers to help"). But use opulent when the supply is both abundant and infused with a richness that allows an extra measure of gratification ("the opulent blossoms of the cherry trees").
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