Occiput -- Noun. the back part of the hear or skull. "As he headed for the front door each morning, he'd hook the cap over his occiput and pull the bill low over his forehead." Ed Cullen, The Advocate (Baton Rouge, Louisiana), March 4, 2012
Did You Know? Occiput came to English from Latin, where it was created from ob-, meaning "against," and caput, meaning "head." its adjectival form, occipital, meaning "of, relating to, or located within or near the occiput," abounds in medical texts but is found in literary ones too, as in George Eliot's description of the coiffure of the "young ladies who frizzled their hair, and gathered it all into large barricades in front of their heads, leaving their occipital region exposed without ornament," in Scenes of Clerical Life. Another caput derivation is sinciput, a word used to refer to either the forehead or the upper half of the skull.
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