Lookism -- Noun. prejudice or discrimination based on physical appearance and especially physical appearance believed to fall short of societal notions of beauty. As a teacher, Kim's response to recent studies showing that attractive students receive better grades was to try to be vigilant against her own possible lookism.
Did You Know? There are a lot of -isms in the English language but most people overlook lookism. It refers to the prejudice or discrimination people have toward others because of their appearances. People first used the word in the last 1970s in reference to how people were viewing others who were heavier set. Today the panorama of lookism extends from the overly beautiful actor or actress to the homely child. Economists, sociologists, and psychologists alike pay close attention to the lookism that occurs in everyday life and examine how it affects people and society as a whole. I didn't know this was a thing, but I guess it is.
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