Arbiter -- Noun. 1. a person with power to decide a dispute. judge. 2. a person or agency whose judgment or opinion is considered authoritative. Over her long career, she wrote columns on fashion, film, language, and etiquette and was generally acknowledged as an arbiter of taste.
Did You Know? There is no disputing it - arbiter and arbitrator are synonyms. But judging by usage, arbitrator has been appointed the preferred term for legal situations and is the one more likely to be used in the sense "a person chosen by two parties to decide their differences." Arbiter is the more literary of the two and is identical to the Latin arbiter (meaning "judge"), the grandparent of both terms. Arbitrator and arbiter each came to us via Anglo-French, and in case you were wondering--yes, the Latin arbiter is also an ancestor of arbitrary and arbitrate.
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