He who is (allegedly) of a superior intellect, has been woefully outwitted by multiple strands of multi-colored Holiday lights. I have screwed around with them for several days, and finally admitted defeat, and went out and bought multiple sets of NEW multi-colored lights. But, I was too morose to attempt to get them to work, so I just set them all aside, and will worry about them another day. Jody and I did manage to take the girls for a ride this morning, and when going past the Crossroads Cafe, noticed that they were all decked out for the Holidays. Really interesting longhorns in the corral where the gas pumps used to be. I did manage to get a few things done around the house today, so that is good. I threatened to go to one of the many urgent care facilities today; my right leg has been giving me fits for about ten days, and last night I could hardly walk. Today, it was much better (just the threat of medical care seems to have fixed it), but I am still holding out the possibility of going to see about it. I am considering the urgent care route, since (A). I don't know what kind of doctor specializes in leg pain and (B). if I knew, I expect I would not be able to get an appointment this year. SO, we will just wait and see...
Animus -- Noun. 1. a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will. 2. basic attitude or governing spirit. disposition, intention. Jane insisted that she harbored no
animus toward Michelle and Fred, despite not inviting them to her holiday party.
Did You Know? Animus has long referred to the rational or animating components of a person's psyche (it derives from the Latin
animus, which can mean "spirit," "mind," "courage," or "anger"). Since a key component of personality can be temper, the word came to mean "animosity," especially ill will driven by strong prejudice. The term is also used in the analytic psychology of C G Jung in reference to an inner masculine part of the female personality.
Animus is closely related to words such as animosity, magnanimous, and unanimous.
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