Dreidel -- Noun. 1. a 4-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top. 2. a children's game of chance played especially at Hanukkah with a dreidel. During the Hanukkah celebration at Rachel's house, the adults chatted in the living room while the children played dreidel in the kitchen.
Did You Know? On each of the dreidel's four sides is inscribed a Hebrew letter, and the four letters-nun, gimel, he, and shin-stand for Nes gadol hayah sham, "A great miracle happened there." It refers to the miracle of the oil-enough for one day-that burned for eight days in the Temple of Jerusalem. When playing dreidel, the letters have a more utilitarian significance. The spinning dreidel lands, and, depending on which letter is on top, the player's "currency"-be it pennies or candy-is added to or taken from the "pot." The word dreidel was borrowed into English early in the 20th century from the Yiddish dreydl (from the word dreyen, which means "to turn").
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