I think it must be tough to be Santa Claus these days, with everything being done on the Interwebs. I went to Kohl's this afternoon to make an exchange, and poor Santa was stuck between the bed sheets and Customer Service. He was literally begging (begging I say) for people to stop and say hello to him. So, of course, I stopped, squeezed in next to him, and did this selfie. When I got in line, I tried bribing people to go have their picture taken with Santa; go get your picture taken, and I will let you in front of me in line. Nobody fell for the bribe. Poor Santa! But otherwise, I did have a nice day. I got some things done around here and there, and finally got the rest of the lights up by the road. All in all, not a bad day. Plus, it was 80 degrees outside, so that did not hurt. We are expecting two days this week with the temperature getting below the freezing mark for a few hours...
Jeunesse Doree -- Noun. young people of wealth and fashion. The gossip blogger wrote about sightings of the city's
jeunesse doree at the hottest galleries, night spots, and restaurants.
Did you Know? French revolutionary leader Maximilien Robespierre and his allies, the Jacobins, gained many enemies for their role in the Reign of Terror. One of their fiercest opponents was Louis Freron, a former Jacobin who played a key role in overthrowing their government. On July 27, 1794, counter-revolutionaries toppled the Jacobin regime and had Robespierre arrested and executed. The
jeunesse doree-literally, the "gilded youth"-was the name given to the gangs of fashionably dressed young toughs who terrorized the remaining Jacobins.
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