Portentous -- Adjective. 1. being a sign or omen. 2. eliciting amazement or wonder. 3. self-consciously solemn or serious. "It's so tempting to kick off a consideration of Twin Peaks: The Return by quoting one of its more gnomic and portentous lines of dialogue." Laura Miller, Slate, September 5, 2017
Did You Know? It's easy to see the "portent" in portentous, which comes to us from the Latin noun portentum, meaning "portent" or "omen." Indeed, the first uses of portentous in the 15th century did refer to omens. The second sense of portentous, describing that which is extremely impressive, developed in the 16th century. Centuries later, Webster's New International Dictionary added a third definition, "grave, solemn, significant," which has since been refined to include the suggestion of a pompous attitude. We are not sure just when the third sense arose, but our evidence goes back to the beginning of the century.
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