Encomium -- Noun. glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise. also an expression of this. The movie won the encomiums of critics nationwide, but it turned out to be a disappointment at the box office.
Did You Know? "The love of praise, howe're concealed by art / Reigns more or less, and glows in every heart." British writer Edward Young knew how much people love to hear praise-and so did the ancient Greeks, the originators of encomium. They formalized that particular expression of praise and named it enkomion, from their terms en, meaning "in," and komos, meaning "celebration." The original encomiums were eulogies or panegyrics, often ones prepared in honor of a victor in the Olympics. The term was later broadened to refer to any laudatory ode. Since then encomiums have been written praising everyone from Julius Caesar to Elton John, although not all have been entirely serious-one of the best known is satirical Moriae Encomium ("Praise of Folly") by the theologian Erasmus.
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