Another day of fog and unseasonably warm temperatures. It is really becoming rather tiresome. It is a challenge getting in to the city, and when I got home tonight, the fog was already setting in again. Sitting here in the office, I can see a bright glow from the security light, but that is about all it is; a bright glow. AND...it is now my turn. I made it through the worst pollen counts, and the daily counts are decreasing, but I am coughing every thirty seconds, and that is taking its toll on me. Hopefully another three or four days and it will be gone. We are expecting more rain starting on Thursday, so that may clear some more of it out. I am about to start being crabby.
Jumping the gun. Meaning to act before the appropriate time. The origin of this phrase dates back to 1905: Athletes in running competitions who left the starting line before the starter's pistol went off were said to have "beaten the pistol." The phrase morphed into "jump the gun" sometime over the next 15 years because it was already being used metaphorically by 1921. The earliest known use of the phrase in a nonathletic sense appeared in The Iowa Homestead newspaper that year in a story that said: "Give the pigs a good start; jump the gun, so to speak, and get them on a grain ration before weaning time." It's been used that way ever since.
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