I first saw this lonely chimney on Christmas Day, while Jody and I were delivering pies to Randy, Irene, Jim and Patsy. I am always looking for things to take pictures of, and this called out to me. I did not stop on that day, but I went back to take the picture this morning, after delivering the girls to the vet in Salado. I was attracted to it from the street, but it became even more interesting as I walked closer to get a better look at it. It was surrounded by brush, and I did not get any closer to it than you can see from this image, but I especially like being able to see the fire box. Like many things, there was a purpose at one time, and now it just sits by itself, kind of under appreciated. I may have to go back some time and take another look.
NEWS ITEM: Two doctors at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in Fayetteville, North Carolina, induced labor on a woman in November 2008 when she was having difficulty giving birth. When the baby still didn't come, the performed a caesarean section on her.
They performed the caesarian...but found no baby. It turns out the woman wasn't pregnant. After a year-long review of the case, the North Carolina Medical Board determined that the woman was actually experiencing pseudocyesis, or "false pregnancy," a real ailment, but one more common in dogs and mice than in humans. The doctors were issues "letters of concern."
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