Already it is a New Year! I learned a lot in the last year, none of which really matters to anyone in the more grand scheme of things. I learned I prefer adjectives over nouns and verbs. I learned that I need to let loose of things that I really don't care for. I learned that I should be a little less compulsive about things. I learned that some of the things that I should do, I just won't do, because of my compulsive nature. I did not learn this particular thing in the last year, I have known it for a long time. I am much better at being spontaneous than I an at being a planner. I have always known that I like to entertain, much more than I like being entertained. I have always known that, in my mind, my way is usually a better way, and I will continue to work on being more open minded about other things. I have always known that I am a pretty good story teller, and I know for certain that I am a great joke teller. I just have to be careful which jokes I tell to which people. I know there is very little that can be said to me that I will be offended by, and on the off chance that I am offended by something said to me, it is okay that I let it be know that I was offended. That does not happen very often, and in fact I cannot remember the last time I was offended by something (not including politics, which I try my very best to share with only the VERY BEST of my friends). From the looks of it, the pie should be gone by Sunday...
I am going to do my very best to share something fun, anecdotal (I love anecdotes), humorous or interesting with those few people (the masses) that visit this journal on a regular basis. It should not be assumed that any of the shared comments in the last paragraph(s) or an entry are original thoughts. Some may be, some may not be. Credit will most likely NOT be given to those who said it first or best, so you will have to just try and figure it out for yourself.
Most of all, I wish you and yours the very best for this new year, and the hope that you find whatever it is you are looking for. And if you have enough, please share it with someone else.
Myth-Conception: If a bear is chasing you, head toward lower ground because bears cannot run as fast downhill. FACT: Bears can run about twice as fast as humans-uphill or downhill. Plus, they are excellent climbers. And, they can jump. So, should you stay where you are and simply play dead? If it's a mother bear guarding her cubs, then yes, she just wants to protect them and will likely leave you alone. If it's a hungry, predatory bear, it WILL catch you if it's close enough. Your best bet is to yell, and if necessary, fight back. When Jody and I were hiking in Alaska (once, many years ago), we were outfitted with little hand bells to ring, and instructed to yell BEAR on occasion, so as not to surprise any wildlife we might accidentally approach. It worked for us!
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