I thought about it for about 30 seconds (not really, I have issues with telling the truth), but it was really no contest. I took a lovely photo of the sunrise this morning, but this wreck on the way home this evening pulled out all the stops and won the race by a long-shot. There are so damn many wrecks in central Texas. Is it just here, or are we plagued with wrecks as a nation? Is it road rage (this one does not look like road rage), or is it stupidity? Is it distracted driving? Probably. I should win the prize for distracted driving. Lately, I am distracted by nothing and everything. You should know that nothing and everything does not include any type of electronic device. I just get lost in thought, and the next thing you know, I have driven thirty or forty miles and do not even remember getting on the expressway. I doubt that this behavior is afflicting only me, but I admit that it happens. I also think what it is like to be Queen Elizabeth, and what happens if she has to pee at Buccee's?
What is hard water? Ice.
What happens during puberty to a boy? He says goodbye to his childhood and enters adultery.
Briefly explain why breathing is important. When you breathe, you inspire. When you don't breathe, you expire.
What is a fossil? A fossil is an extinct animal. The older it is, the more extinct it is.
What type of force or bond holds the sodium ions and chloride ions together in a crystal of sodium chloride? Jsmes Bond.
Name six animals which specifically live in the Arctic. 2 polar bears and
3 4 seals.
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