Have you ever been in a hurricane? Have you ever been in a hurricane while on an instable object? Have you ever been in a hurricane while on board a ship in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico? Well, maybe I am exaggerating JUST A LITTLE BIT, but this boat is ROCKIN’! One of the television channels gives the ship location, maps of where we are, speed, wind speed and direction. There are winds, pretty much dead-on, at over 80 km per hour. I am not certain of the conversion from kph to mph but I think it is around 45 to 50 mph winds. It makes for an interesting ride. Not scary or anything, just interesting. Many of the outside decks have been closed due to the winds. AND, the temperature is dropping the closer we get to Texas.

Today was the last day of classes, and it has been pretty much a day of relaxation. There are some crazy people on this ship, buying up all the watches and bracelets and gee-gaws that are 75% off. Really? The only thing that I bought while in any of the ports was food, and I have nothing to declare to customs when I get off. This has been a pretty simple cruise. This is a photo of the three instructors for this cruise, Mark, me and Jim.
I am looking forward to dinner tonight, then packing up, and then getting off the ship tomorrow and heading home. Jody will meet us in Elgin, and we are going to pick up some sausage and brisket to take home. When I get home, I need to feed the cattle, and then it will be back to normal. Until the next time.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WOBBLINESS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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