I am home and it is wonderful. The Winter Meeting was really one of the best I have attended, and that is a good thing. BUT, there is a lot of information to digest and absorb, and it is not quite over yet. I have another couple of meetings to attend tomorrow, and everything (for me) should be finished by Noon. Then I have a couple appointments and a conference call.

This was the dessert from the luncheon today. It is a little pie shell with some sort of chocolate in it (pie filling or pudding or tort or something) with some rock-salt sprinkles in the middle. Kind of interesting (I ate it didn't I) and Jody says that it is some new kind of trendy dessert. Whatever. I would not want to make an entire meal out of it, that's for sure.
I left for home this evening about 6 o'clock, and traffic was a bit of a challenge in many places. Finally made it home, though, so all is good.
Tomorrow is another day, and it will be here sooner than later.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DESSERTS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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