I am very happy to be home. Every trip seems to give me a greater appreciation of Jody and home...
So, even though you all know how very unlike me this is, I have a few critiques of my trip back to Austin this morning/afternoon. FIRST: This may well be the first trip I have EVER been on that had a flight cancelled. I have no previous experience of that to fall back on. When United cancelled TWO flights to NYC last Sunday because of the Snowpocalypse (that never happened, but it was nice to see the city kind of quiet and in non-hustle mode) I made other arrangements to get there and back. If I had been smart, I would have kept the original return flight but that is another story. Se Next. NEXT: My flight this morning left JFK at 8:30am, which meant I was up at 5am to finish packing a leave the hotel by 6:30. My original flight had been around 3pm, but it was good that I got back before really much later this evening. THIRD: The car driver that took me to the airport this morning did not know how to get to the airport. And his GPS was reporting to him in a language that I could not understand, and I do not think he was doing much better. D: People in NYC that are trying to get to Austin are kind of pushy. I can understand their desire to get to Austin, but they should practice being a little nicer before they get here, since it is (after all) a requirement. FIVE: And this one is especially for Barb. I have never seen so many people on one plane walking up and down the aisles (and visiting the restrooms, I know because I was next in line with one) BAREFOOTED. For Pete's sake people, put some shoes on, you are spreading crap (and I mean that literally) with this action. HEY YOU, PASS ME THE SOAP! AND IN CONCLUSION: I have several photos of this woman exposing various body parts with her tai chi stretching and gyrating in the aisle. It was not that long of a flight people, sit down. I am certain that the guy across the hall was thrilled to have her but in his face for extended periods of time.
I'm just sayin',
Once again, let me repeat (this one's for you JSP, not to be confused with JP with whom I reunioned last evening), I am the luckiest person in the world, and I am very glad to be home.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HOME, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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