Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 - Day 6/359 - Tuesday...

Well, there is no sense wasting a perfectly good cat photo on a Tuesday entry, historically (hysterically?) one of the worst nights for followers.  BUT, I can give you the result of one of those cute little cats that (although their numbers are vague) run amok out here on the edge of nowhere.  Today we had a couple windows put into the carport/storage shed, and when we went to review the progress, we found this carcass.  One of the points of installing the windows was to give us some light in the storage section during the day, but it was not particularly expected that we would come upon the mummified remains of a feline victim.  It seems bunnies are on the lower end of the food chain here on the edge of nowhere.  I am mystified that a cat can catch a bunny, but I guess patience pays off.  I would not know anything about that!

I went out to put the girls to bed this evening, and after the last of the (close to) full moon evenings, it is blacker than pitch outside.  An incredible contrast to the last several evenings.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, DEAD BUNNIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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