What day is it? It's HUMP Day! Thank goodness! Among other things, I had an appointment with an appliance person, with a window of between 2 and 5. The man, a very competent mad, called a little after noon and said he was running ahead of schedule. SCORE! And, the ice maker is once again making ice, which is another SCORE! I really don't use ice that often, but since the ice maker has been broken, I have wanted NOTHING BUT ice in my soda. I finished my most recent book,
Enough, and it was pretty good. I have no idea what I will read next, but I am not going to start anything else for a while. Kudos to Nancy, who bought the pie that Paulina brought back from Las Cruces, and kudos to Paulina for sharing it with me. I've got laundry in the dryer, and I will get that stuff out of the dryer in about thirty minutes, and that will do it for the night.
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