Okay, I have been victimized once again. I have been tricked by Madison Avenue. I have been craving whatever it is that I see on Dominos Pizza Commercials. I tried to order what I saw on television, and the staff was not up to speed about what they offer. So...I ordered some kind of tater tots and a Memphis Bar-B-Que Chicken pizza. I had to order a medium size, because it is not offered in the small size. None of it looked anything like the pictures on the menu, and not sure if it is what I had seen on the commercials, and in my allergy/upper respiratory infected state, I had no inkling what any of it was supposed to taste like. I have plenty of each item left for at least two (maybe three more) meals, so I will let you know if there are any changes in the near term. Whatever it is that ails me, now entering its second week, goes on, and it is traveling south. Sinus to throat, throat to lungs, lungs to stomach, and stomach to...well, you know. Tonight is book club night, and I am going to do it via zoom. I don't want to risk anyone becoming infected, if I am indeed infectious. If I could go longer than ten minutes without coughing, sometimes convulsive coughing, that would be progress. And...I could really use a good nights sleep. We are expecting more rain tonight, and that is a good thing. I hope there is thunder and lightning, too. I'll let you know.
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