Saturday, February 14, 2015

2015 - Day 45/320 - St. Valentine's Day...

I hope everyone enjoyed their day today...the thermometer on my car registered 80 degrees at one point, but it was a beautiful day overall.  I actually stayed in the bed until almost 7 o'clock, but I was beginning to feel guilty that the girls were wanting to be 'loosed' so I got up and loosed them! 

The weather prognosticators are prognosticating a decline in the temperatures to not go above 40 degrees by mid-week, and one of them forecasted (I am going to go with this being a real word)
a snowflake.  Jody said he would go along with a forecast of a snowflake much more readily than the forecast of a blizzard, so he is a happy camper.

I did get a home listed this afternoon, and that will hit the market at the beginning of the week.  Otherwise, I was successful in doing as little as possible today.  I fear that will change tomorrow, Sunday is typically the day for chores.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, HEAT WAVE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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