Wednesday, April 26, 2017

2017 - Day 116/249 - Wednesday...

This is a photo of the Azalea Bonsai that Melody and Bruce sent Jody for his birthday. He has been pampering and fussing over it ever since it arrived, and it looks like it is ready to burst forth with blooms. There are plenty of buds on it, that is for sure. It is a beautifully healthy little plant, and it has a place of importance on one of the tables in the front yard. I have spent sufficient time believing that tomorrow was Friday. I did not necessarily think today was Thursday, I just thought tomorrow was Friday. I am greatly relieved that I have a whole extra day to get things done that I was not aware of. And tomorrow and Friday are not (so far) jammed packed with stuff that I need to get done. So, that means I can get all the things done that I should have already done, but just have not done. My 'To Done' list is getting pretty well completed, but there are things that haven't been done that need to be done. Just saying'... And once again, this was a pretty good day, I spent the morning at a Board Forum about 'Code Next' the zoning ordinance code the City of Austin has presented. The codes have not been redone in decades, and there have jut been additions/deletions and overlays...code on top of code on top of code. It is very confusing, and since Austin is the idyllic communist state, everyone has a say and nothing gets done. Time for a nap. Deeds, Actions, Changes, BONSAI, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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