Nice day today, after a really nice sleep, although I am still feeling a little bit like I will NEVER get caught up on my sleep. We had our PM meeting this morning, and most everything is pretty much under control. I may wish I had not made that comment, but I am going to chance it.
Lots of itty-bitty things got caught up on in the office today as well, before I headed out to do my Meals-On-Wheels gig. Mr. Stan (the facilitator at our location) was absent today, and that makes me a little bit nervous. He has only been missing in action once or twice in the three or four years that I have delivered from that location, and once was because he had taken a pretty bad fall. I will check in next week to make sure he is okay. I had seven clients today, down one from last week, and one client was not home, so that can sometimes be a challenge. Otherwise, all was well, and it was a beautiful day to be outside.
After that, I was on my way to a property inspection. I always try to show up at the end of the inspections because I cannot keep my mouth shut, and I am not an inspector. There were a couple odd things going on at the inspection, and if what I think was going on can actually be verified, I will let you all in on it in a later post.
On the way back to the office, I stopped at the ATT store on West Fifth, and had Chase (my very own ATT guy) take a look at my phone, and he fixed one little issue I had been experiencing with it. Overall, I am VERY SATISFIED with the iPhone that I bought, although I do believe the ATT service is somewhat lacking. I am not really sure that any cell service is good enough, it just depends on your tolerance level.
Work, work, work this afternoon, and I left the office about 4:15. Traffic was a little touchy, but I made reasonable time getting home. I was here in time to see a little bit of the National News (of which there was very little) and Jody is in the kitchen right now making dinner. Pasta with chicken and broccoli in an Alfredo sauce and a Caesar (spell check says that is right, it does not look right to me) salad. Okay then, yummy!
Tomorrow morning will be a little bit of an open morning, the afternoon is pretty well booked up. Saturday I have another bee class, and then I will be showing properties for sale starting about 2PM. Pretty well booked through Saturday. At this time, I am open on Sunday, so we will see how that plays out.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PASTA, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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