Okay, don't get me started...the tiara has taken a powder...but at least it left a note. It seems to believe that I have exerted too much pressure on it, and the weight of carrying the opening paragraph of the blog for an entire month (I tried explaining it was a short month) was entirely too much responsibility for its' very rhinestone encrusted self. I guess I am lucky that it left the note, or who know whom I might be accusing of theft, although misdemeanors are not that big of a deal out here in the country. AT LEAST the tiara arranged for 'guest tiaras' to fill the void while it visits the Betty Ford Clinic and tries to pull itself together. I had noticed a little bit of obsessive/compulsive tendencies for the last couple days, but I attributed it to the sudden fame of the blog world. But anyway, this blog is not about a single tiara...there are plenty of 'scab' tiaras to fill the space. After having put on a brave face in this unknown territory, I found the first 'guest tiara', at which time I thought maybe I had spoken too soon. ANYWAY, here goes... the tiara of the day seems to be some washed up drag queen from 'the-other-side' of rhinestone land. I can only imagine what tomorrow might hold. We shall see...

Well, at least it is not raining. It is still kind of chilly, but it is not raining. I was stuck (whenever I write that, it seems like it should not be a real word) in traffic this morning for a really long time. It seems there was a wreck somewhere on the Interstate. I never saw the wreck, I saw some tow trucks, but no mangled vehicles. Just a BIG OLE HONKIN' TRAFFIC JAM! This, however, was the sunrise that gave me a false sense of security that it would be smooth sailing this morning. Anyway...

Here is a photo of the owl that hangs outside the balcony of my new listing on Spicewood Springs Road. It should go quickly (the property, not the owl) because it is in great shape AND IT IS PRICED RIGHT! I have already had a call from one REALTOR that will be showing the property tomorrow. YIPPEE! The first few days with a new listing are always fun!
I had two separate meetings to attend at the Board of REALTORS today, and before, during and after the meetings I got a lot of stuff accomplished. Power Real Estate! Not too much planned for the weekend, I think Jody and I may go to an auction tomorrow night, but nothing else on the schedule. I may try and take the truck into Taylor and get some cattle feed. I have not been back out to check on the newest heifer calf, but I could see her from the house, and she seems to be doing fine. They do have shelter here, which is more than most of the other cattle in the area have.

Tamales for dinner tonight. YUM! I did NOT have a chance to have lunch today (and I am really not even that hungry), but I will not object to some great food prepared out of Jody's kitchen. I also stopped on the way home to put gas in the car and I went to the HEB and got us some chocolate covered strawberries in anticipation of Valentine's Day on Sunday. THEN I promptly dropped them in the garage as I was carrying them into the house. FIVE SECOND RULE PREVAILS! They do not look as pretty as they did originally, but they will look even worse after Jody and I chew them up!
Okay, that is pretty much it for this post. I interrupted this post to go and eat dinner, clean-up the kitchen, and solve several minor emergencies. Multi-tasking!
Deeds, Kindnesses, Changes, Actions, Whirled Peas, STRAWBERRIES, FUN!
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