Today, by special dispensation of the Border Patrol and the United States Custom Service (or whatever) there are two spottings of folks with the tiara. One of them is a reported smuggler, but it is only here say evidence at this point. No one saw anything, and I do not think anything can actually be proven, although there were most likely any number of hidden surveillance cameras in the vicinity. The first tiara trustee is Pam, and the second is Patty. They are two women that I had casual

acquaintances with before this trip, but the three of us got to know each other a little bit better, and I am very happy for that. They are both wonderful folks, and they were a lot of fun on the cruise. I hope I get a chance to visit with them more as time goes by. AND, they let me tag along as they broke several RULES while disembarking from the ship this morning. Do you think REALTORS, as a group, have more issues with authority figures than the general population? It is something to think about.

SO THIS IS WHAT CIVILIZATION LOOKS LIKE, HUH? Here we are in the land of plenty, and it is grey, industrial and cloudy water. I guess I should not have really paid that much attention, but for the last several days, we have been enjoying beautiful blue waters and lovely places, and I will grant you nothing I saw in the past several days could be considered pristine. Okay, well, maybe a couple of the folks on the cruise could be considered 'unspoiled', but you know what I am talking about. We have been in the sunshine for most of a week, and when we get back home, it is pretty much the same way we left it; cold, cloudy, drizzly, grey. I AM NOT COMPLAINING (much) and I am VERY HAPPY to be home, I just have issues with greyness. It seems the older I get the more issues I get. I thought I was supposed to grow more tolerant along with old. Maybe not...

Of course, since I am such an old lady driver when I am in unfamiliar territory, I missed the exit off 610 to 290 and I ended up on I-10 and took that to Highway 71 in Columbus, then I got on Highway 95 in Bastrop and came on in to the farm. I think it was about 35 miles longer than the way I went to Galveston, but I think it was actually a quicker trip. ANYWAY, I got home and Jody and I had a delightful reunion, and the dog was happy to see me too. He was pretty clingy for about 10 minutes, and the he headed off to his bed. He is more of a morning person than an afternoon or evening person. He pretty much calls it a day around 3 o'clock. Anyway, Jody and I got right back into our groove, and we went into Georgetown for a spoiler. Why should I start trying to control what I eat at this stage? I was just on a seven-day-food-orgy, and it will take me a while to taper off. I think Ian handle it. I will weigh-in tomorrow and let you know how bad it was really.
Okay, I have already unpacked and all that stuff, and there is a lot of mail and stuff like that I need to go through. Tomorrow I will be back in the office, and that will good. I am sure that there will be a few things for me to take care of, but I am not expecting any real office trauma.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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