Well, well, well...what have we here my little pretty? Well, if it isn't Sally...all decked out in a little tiara named Pat. Even though this photo was taken a few days ago, Sally and I shared a table early this morning in an Instructor Evaluation Forum at the Texas Association of REALTORS Winter Meeting. It was an interesting and difficult beginning (for me) of the REAL day (my other day started MUCH earlier, more about that in a few paragraphs). I know how much time and effort go into preparation by the Instructors and, on the other hand, it is important to provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I do not receive criticism well (imagine that) but over the years I have decided I need to ACCEPT it in the spirit in which it is offered, and I must consider who it is giving the criticism. Usually, even if not at first, I believe the criticism IS constructive, and try my best to make it something positive. Whatever...
SO, my day began early, about 4:15 this morning. I had various goals to achieve before I left, and one of the goals was to leave NOT LATER than 6:30. When I got into my office at home, I found several e-mails that had arrived AFTER I was already asleep last night, and I was asleep at 9:15. SO, I was busy responding to e-mails and composing e-mails to clients concerning property offers, amendments, this and that. So, after all that was accomplished, I determined I needed to stop in the office before I went to the Association meeting, which meant I was cutting my schedule even closer. I got everything accomplished, BUT I did not have time for any breakfast or to read the news paper.

TOO FAT TO FLY? WHAT ABOUT TOO BIG TO PARK? After a quick stop at the office, I made it to the meeting site, and found (finally) a parking spot. There has been a lot of noise in the media lately about the guy that (for whatever reason, blah, blah, blah) needed to buy two seats on the airline but there was only one seat available, so he did not get fly. he guy knew he had to buy two seats...no issue. I wonder, did this person have to pay five times for parking? I doubt it, but it would make sense. What do you think?
I made it to the meeting with about ten minutes to spare, got settled in and ready to get going. As I mentioned above, my first forum (not sure if that is the right word) was to evaluate Instructor candidates, and it was a very interesting process. The persons critiquing the candidates were all Instructors with the Association, and I imagine it was a tough room for an Instructor. Instructing Instructors is always a tough gig.

THEN, I went DOWNSTAIRS (from a meeting room on the 17th floor) to a larger ballroom where the Professional Standards training was to be held. That training was from 9 until 4 and it was a very good session, got lots of ideas and networking started between the attendees. The room was PACKED! This is a photo of my NEMESIS (wink, wink) Candy. She volunteered me to be a member in a role-play in the afternoon, much to my surprise. I walked back in the room after a break (I was in the little boys room), and was immediately called to the front to participate. I had no time for preparation or to even know what I was supposed to do. BUT, it all went well, and we all had a good time. No animals were harmed in the role play, so we can all be thankful for small miracles. BUT, Candy knows she owes me one! I will get her back, bwaahahahaha....

Towards the end of the day, our table looked like something had exploded on it. I had been conducting business during breaks and at lunch, and when I left the session, I needed to go back to the office to get some work done there. I did about thirty minutes of power real estate, and took off for home, and spent most of the drive-time making phone calls and continuing to negotiate Amendments to contracts. Everything will work out just the way it is supposed to. We may wish things worked out differently, or things may not work out the way we would like, but in my opinion, everything works out just the way it is supposed to.
Okay, that is pretty much it for today. It will pretty much be a repeat tomorrow, except in the middle of the day I will be showing properties to a Buyer couple. YIPPEE! Buyers are a good ting. I will leave tomorrow morning before 6:30 and will get home tomorrow night around 8PM (at least that is my goal).
Good night!
Deeds, Actions, AD LIBS, Changes, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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