The drive home this afternoon was easy-breezy, and I had not expected that. No wrecks, no runs, no errors. Once I got home, everything was soaked again, and all the fields look like there will be no planting or plowing anytime soon. We have about 6/10" of rain in the gauge, and I expect there will be more this week. The good news (REALLY?) is that it is supposed to be windy overnight, and the turbines are out there generating their little hearts out as I type. During the time I was gone last week, there was very little wind, very little generation of power, BUT the power that was generated was helpful. Jody kept tabs on the meters for me, and for the whole week we used less electricity that for the same time last month. AND last month, we were generating LOTS of electricity. What a nerd...
OKAY THIS SUCKS...but I knew it was going to. I gained about five pounds on the cruise. It could have been a LOT worse, so I will take that. During the cruise last week, I discovered that soft-serve ice cream was effective as an analgesic. I discovered this quite by accident, but it was most helpful. If I was bloated, I had soft-serve ice cream on the ship. It I had a pain, I had soft-serve ice cream. Hung over? Soft-serve. Feeling all stove up? Soft-serve. Can't sleep? It seemed to also work as a mild sleep inducer. Sleeping too much? It was like an illegal scrip of Dexedrine LA's (remember those back in the '70's?! I think if I were still in college, pursuing an advanced degree, I might consider a thesis on the health benefits of soft-serve. There could even be control groups: Soft-Serve would be the real thing, and frozen yogurt would be the placebo. I think there are some societal ills that soft-serve could remedy, like water retention and swollen ankles. Let me do a little more investigating, and I will get back to you on this.
Deeds, Actions, CURES (there is a new one, if you are paying attention), Kindnesses, SOFT-SERVE, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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