Well, well, well...who have we here my little pretty? Why, it is my friend and colleague Carrie (not the other Carrie, this Carrie). Carrie that was at the same meeting I was at yesterday at the Board. I have a BETTER photo of her with the tiara on, but she threatened me, so I will not share that with you. HOWEVER, if you have enough money, and I can fix the damage she will cause me with the money you pay me, I will send you a special copy of the photo. Just don't tell her, it will be our little secret.
NEWS FLASH FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE AUSTIN BOARD OF REALTORS! Tomorrow is the Third Annual TREPAC Chili Cook-Off, and it will be held at the Board Offices. If you are a member, you know where that is. The Chili Cook-Off will be from 5:30PM until 8PM, and the first four people that respond to this post can attend the event as my guest. I will spring for the admission fee, and that admission will be part of my contribution to TREPAC for 2010. What a deal, you get to come and have some good grub, some good fellowship with your colleagues, and you will get to learn more about TREPAC. I think that is a win-win-WIN situation. Let me know if you would like to attend. There are plenty of ways for you to contact me. Offer open to REALTOR members of the Austin Board only. Void where prohibited. Some other rules may apply, I am just not sure what they are yet.
I taught two classes at the Board today, and it was a lot of fun. The classes were on Property Leasing and Property Management. We had about thirty folks in each class, and it was really fun. I had a great time, and I think I was able to meet my goals for when I teach a class: Get the required information across to the attendees in an interesting manner, expect that they will walk away from the class with some good knowledge, and I also walk away having learned something from the attendees. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! A side note...another thing I like about teaching classes... it is really an opporunity to get to know my colleagues better. Today I had the chance to kind of...get to know some people that I had passing knowledge of, but now, I really feel I know them much better. Interesting thing about being able to spend time with people! I LIKE IT!

On the way home, I take my customary route. I pass one house along the way that is the home to a nice family, and they have (I think) about five dogs. Two of them are Basset Hounds. The Bassets in particular are real car-chasers, and I used to (imagine this if you can, it is so unlike me) become aggravated with them because I was afraid I would hurt them unintentionally. Well, a couple months ago, whenever I passed the house, and the dogs were out, I decided to stop the car and talk to the dogs. Dogs chase cars, but they have no idea what to do if they ever catch one! So now the dogs are kind of bewildered by the fact that there is no car to chase, and all participants in this little exercise kind of look forward to seeing each other. They get to bark, they sometimes get their heads rubbed, and everyone walks away happy. BIG ADVICE: Never pass up an opportunity to pet a dog.

I made it home this afternoon with no real trauma, so that was a good thing. I showed you a photo of the amaryllis last week or so, and it is still going strong. We are on the second round of blooms, and the first blooms are still not too faded. We still have one set of blooms to go. I love red, and these are just beautiful. Even when it is cloudy and rainy outside, these flowers make me feel better about the situation. I am happy about that.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PET A DOG, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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