Okay, there is some scandal brewing about the tiara and martinis. AND just how did the tiara end up 'sloshed' at the Four Seasons yesterday afternoon? Admittedly, this whole thing about having the tiara in the spotlight for 'Theme Blog' month may have been a mistake, but WHO KNEW? Has success spoiled Pat the Tiara. Can you say Haley Joel Osment? I THINK SO! Anyway, to recap (and re post), the tiara was seen being applied to the noggin of Marcie by Carrie, the princess of all Princesses. There seems to be a bit of controversy surrounding that point, and they were both overheard saying they were the 'Queen' of the meeting, but as we all know, you cannot be Queen as long as your mother is living, and I am not sure the status of these twos parental units.

ANYWAY, it seems the tiara (Pat) was taken off to the Four Seasons for cocktails, and when I showed up to fetch it, it had to be uprighted (and removed quite unwillingly) from a Martini Glass. Okay, this next bit qualifies for the TMI department...I did sternly scold the tiara for un-tiara-like conduct, but NOT BEFORE I licked what little vodka I could from those semi-precious stones. Whatever, it was late and I was desperate. Go judge someone else! Pat's days in the spotlight are numbered, and it will soon be back to the bookshelf. Fame is fleeting, and those that shine the brightest may be just burning out!
NEWS FLASH Prepare for the blizzard of 2010. There is a chance the Austin area will experience some freezing precipitation over the next few days. Store shelves have been depleted of Twinkies and Blue Bell. Home Depot reports a shortage of gasoline powered generators, and Beall's has sold out of men's long underwear. Road crews across hundreds of counties are at the ready with sand trucks, and school children are contemplating what they will do with the extra two weeks off. It was just yesterday that people were sweating and complaining about the heat at Zilker Park. Okay, that was just one fat guy, 'sweating to the oldies' or was that me, a sweating old fat guy. It is very complicated. Who can keep up. ANYWAY, the odds of central Texas coming to a grinding halt in the next 48 hours or so are better than even. When can only wait and see what kind of devastation there will be. I will do my duty to keep you all informed.
Speaking of duty, no mater what the case, I will be on the road tomorrow morning at 5:45 heading for a breakfast at the Association Meeting. My last event of this vent for this season. I have to leave a little earlier than I expect I need to because you never know what you will encounter on the roads. Better safe than sorry. I hate arriving places late, so I almost always arrive early.

I did my civic duty on the way home tonight, I stopped and did my early voting thing. I was not more than a minute in the actual voting part, it was the primary ballot, no big deal BUT A REALLY BIG DEAL TO LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. The ballot was three pages, but I already knew who I was voting for, so it was a snap-a-reno! GO VOTE...DO YOUR DUTY!
That's it. I am going to go watch Antique's Roadshow.
Deeds, Changes, Actions, VOTE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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