Well, can you believe it? This is the LAST DAY of February! Man, as I said before, it has gone by quickly and drug out all at the same time. There were times that I thought this month would never end, and right now, it seems like only yesterday I was on that ship cruising the Caribbean. AND, the freaking tiara (Pat) is not handling the decline and fall of its' reign very well. As you can see by this photo, she gave up on the gnomes (I still think they are bachelor farmers) and has taken up with Jean Claude (the sumo wrestler of questionable heritage) in its' attempt to find on-going fame. I don't know about you, but that steely gaze is not looking like it can be warmed up with a bunch of jabber from a near committed bunch of semi-precious stones. Talk about the attraction of opposites! Anyway, this is Pats' last day, and I suspect there will be something else happening before it is all over. I do not expect it to go down without a fight!

I got the cattle fed this morning, Jody helped me and it was done pretty quickly. They are pretty much trained to know the routine, and it all went well. The little winter heifer calf (Stormy) looks very good and seems to be thriving. I am convinced that she is the calf of Orchid, but I have still never seen her nurse. I know she is nursing someone, and I know it is not me, so I am pretty sure she is nursing Orchid. All the cattle look kind of thin to me this morning, but they have plenty of food, so maybe they are just spending a lot of energy keeping warm. I cannot comprehend that they are hungry or they would be eating more hay...I think they would be eating and grazing all the time if they were hungry, and not taking snooze breaks in the afternoons.
After we got the cattle fed, we went to the front shed and opened some more boxes. I think we opened about six more boxes, to get ready to take the resale place. After that, Jody and I went into Georgetown and visited the Collector's Market where we have a space rented. I think we are taking a bigger space in the front of the shop, a space with better visibility. We both have fun doing that, and it gives us something else to do.
Before we left for Georgetown, I was out sweeping the garage, and Jody was out there with me. We both looked up, and there was Hubert bringing us a bag of cookies that Pauline had baked. Pauline was sitting in the car, and they were on their way home from Church, and they just stopped by to drop off some cookies. WE LOVE LIVING IN THE COUNTRY! The neighbors out here are actually neighborly! We could not have chosen a better place to move. Well, maybe we could, but we think we did pretty darn well.

After the market, we stopped at Tractor Supply and got salt for the water softener, and a 50 pound bag of birdseed. Then it was on to Dairy Queen, and then home. Once we got home, we went into Bartlett and walked around the downtown area, and went into the antique shops that were open. As we were walking around, we spied these two old advertising signs painted on the walls of a couple of the buildings. I am especially fond of the one for the Wrigley's gum, but the Coke sign is nice too, if more utilitarian. I really like the Wrigley's sign...I think it looks really deco and I am surprised that such a sign was in Bartlett, Texas.

On the way home, we stopped at Hubert and Pauline's and talked with Michael for a few minutes. I want him to come over and make sure everything is working on the fences in the rear pasture before I let the cattle back there. While I was there, Hubert and I started talking about bees, and thy have a bees next in an old 55 gallon barrel. We both went over and looked at it, and of course as I was taking 'just one more picture' one of the bees took offense and stung me. Well, that just means there is one less bee. I am going to send the picture I took to Konrad to see if he thinks we can move the bees to one of my hives. That will be an adventure for sure!
That's it!
Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, BEE STINGS, Changes, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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