We are in the middle of chaos at the office, and I say bring it on, get it all over with at one time. River, one of our assistants is moving on, and following her heart to something that is very important to her, so we have been interviewing receptionist/managers at our office today (and tomorrow and Wednesday). AND, we have decided to move our offices from the two close-by offices we have to one larger space on the second floor of the building we are in now. Which means, we will be renting out the office condo that we own in that space, just in case you know anyone who might be interested. No REALTORS need apply, thank you very much. We will not be renting our space to a competing type of company. We are just finicky that way.
It will all turn out wonderfully well. The big phone transfer (really the most important part of the puzzle) is right now scheduled for March 19th. And that will give us the weekend to do the rest of the stuff.
I am telling you, that bee sting that I got yesterday is still hurting, and during the night last night, it would wake me up. I thought maybe my bee allergy had lessened, since I have been stung a couple times by wasps and had no really terrible reaction to it. BUT, this could put somewhat of a damper on my new hobby of bee keeping. I need to check on that...I may need to get some of those sting shots things from my doctor. Whatever...
Another neat thing...we found out today when we were talking to our telephone guy that we can get office phones at our homes...they will look just like the office phones, and we will be able to intercom folks at home, transfer calls, etc., just as if they were in the office, but they can be working at home. Most agents are working from their homes anyway, so that will work really well for us. Time will tell...
Okay, that is pretty much it for today...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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