If I were one half of the famous Bill & Ted, I would note that this had been a 'most excellent' day! I got up a little bit later than usual (it is Sunday for goodness sake) and started with chores. Okay, actually I went out and read all the meters, got the paper, made coffee, read the paper and by that time Jody was up and I told him I was going to go out and feed the cattle. I asked him if he would get breakfast ready, and I also told him that I would target 8:15 to be done with the chores and be ready for breakfast. I was on kind of a time frame because I was heading into town to show properties, and I had an 11:30 appointment. I got outside, and was trying to see if the newly electrified electric fence was working, and I determined that it was not. I took a look at the pasture, and noticed that Minnie was way off in a corner of the pasture all by herself. AND there was something white bouncing around her. I called Jody from the pasture and informed him we had another calf, and did he want me to come and pick him up in the Mule to see the new addition. Indeed he did.
So, I got the fresh bale of hay on the tractor and put a couple bags of feed in the Mule and went to pick Jody up. Everyone was happy, everyone was hungry, and everyone was somewhat photogenic. The cattle like having their photos taken, and I like taking them. We spent a little time watching the cattle and oohing and aahing over the new calf, and then we took the bale of hay to the back of the pasture. There is definitely a pecking order for cattle, and the newest little calf is definitely on the bottom of the totem-pole. None of the cattle are particularly careful with it, and some of them actually try to butt it out of the way. If they wanted to do it harm, they certainly could, but I think they are just establishing their place in the herd.
We got all that done, and made it back into the house by 8:30. Jody made blueberry pancakes, and after that I got cleaned up and dressed and headed off to the office. I showed my clients six properties, and was back on the way home before 1 o'clock. It has been drizzly raining most of the day, and we did not get too wet looking at homes. I think my clients saw a house that they like and may want to make a contract offer, but we shall see how that all works out.
On the way home I stopped in Georgetown and met Jody at the Market. We needed to dress the one Hoosier Cabinet we took in yesterday, AND we needed to screw the top to the bottom so nobody gets hurt. It looks nice in the space, and that was a good thing to get done.

Once I got home, I went out again to the back pasture and communed with the cattle. Mr. Speckles did not even get up while I was back there, but all the other cattle are very curious and they all came to investigate the Mule while I was seeing how close I could get to the newest calf...still trying to determine the sex. Here is a photo of Orchid and her calf Stormy. Orchid is brown, her previous calf sired by Mr. Speckles was brown an white...this calf is black and white. Maybe the colors will be taking turns, who knows. Stormy was born February 6th, and today was the first day I actually saw the calf nurse Orchid.

I am also giving you another photo of Minnie and her calf born today. It is hard to believe that this (not so little) calf was born today. These calves come out pretty capably, compared to human babies. Heck dogs and cats are pretty darn helpless for at least a week. But cows, nope, they are pretty much ready to go! No name yet, still waiting to see if it is a bull or a heifer. If it is a bull, it will end up being a steer. There is NO QUESTION as to who this calf belongs to, but there was a teensy bit of doubt about Stormy when she was first born. For this newest calf it is pretty darn obvious; Minnie is still a little bit bloody, and for another thing, the new calf has been nursing her non-stop. When I was back there with them this afternoon, the newest one was laying down and shivering a little bit. The pastures are still very damp (WET), and Jody and I both would like to bundle it up and bring it in the house to keep it warm, but they know what they are doing, I doubt they would be particularly welcoming of any help we might want to offer.

Home stretch...it may not look like it too much, but spring is near. While I was out showing properties this morning, I passed a bunch of crab apple trees that were just a riot of blooms. Our Bradford Pears are about to burst forth with their blooms, too. We don't have a lot of other things blooming yet, but I think that in the next two or three weeks, EVERYTHING will be blooming.
Deeds, Actions, Kindnesses, NEW CALVES, Changes, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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